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  • Deeper Events - Megan

6 Ways To Make the Most of Social Distancing

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

Sign with words 'Stay Home'

You are probably reading this from your home, since we are under lockdown. What are you thinking and feeling about lockdown? There are 2 ways to approach this: as a prison sentence or as a gift.

Some of us are counting down the days, why? Because they live in the future. We all had activities and people that we love to connect with and so when they are suddenly taken away, it can be hard to adapt. We wake up thinking, out of habit, about these things that used to give us so much joy, we want them back. Especially for those of us dependent on these activities or extroverts who naturally want to spend more time around people.

Living in quarantine waiting to be free of it is not the best way to handle it. We need to live in the present. The question to make the most out of this time is - if this would be how it is for the indefinite future, how could I change my actions to make an enjoyable - even satisfying - life? Realise you can have joy now, where you are, you just have to be open to it and let the answers come in.

There are so many gifts that this time gives us, that is something to truly feel thankful for.

1. Reach Out More to People You Want to Connect / Reconnect With

This is the perfect time to reach out to people you want to connect or reconnect with, sound counter-intuitive? Well, with less of our time being taken up by what we have to do, our minds naturally start thinking about what we really want, and the people we really like. When you make space, the truth arises. So when that person comes into your head, give them a call, send them a message. They are bored at home so you have the perfect excuse! Make it a daily habit to call someone, even someone you are not used to speaking with. Sure, you are around so many people in person but there are infinite people just waiting no the end of a phone.

2. Discover New Ways to Look After Yourself

As this time forces us into an unnatural way of living: being inside and not moving around a lot, many people have started their own home exercise regimes. You will notice that taking care of your mental health becomes important when in this circumstances. You may start to investigate how you can look after yourself and take up these new behaviours. Something new I have committed to is 'emotional acceptance'. I do this class every day at 7pm and it has really helped with mental and emotional wellbeing.

3. Time for Meditation

Ever wondered what was the big deal about meditation? Now is your time to explore! Mediation is sitting down with an intentional practice in order for us to start to be more of that quality when we stand up. We can cultivate compassion, lovingkindness, presence, acceptance, awareness. Meditation can lead us down the spiritual path as we start to perceive everything that we are, and realise that we are not that and through conscious intention we can be anything we want to be. Meditation fosters a deeper appreciation and love for life.

4. Time to Pursue Hobbies

What was that thing you always wanted to do but never had time? Time to explore it! This is really a great opportunity to learn and build skills, which you never know may become a true source of joy in the future or income. Skills you have make you more resilient to changing times and allow you express your true creative nature. So turn off that Netflix and flex your creative muscle.

5. Time to think

In personal development there is a huge focus on action, and this I do not disagree with. Action is the only thing that really changes things. Thinking is looked down upon almost. However I believe that thinking and action go hand in hand. Action without thinking or vice versa is lunacy. Once you act you must reflect and think of the way forward. If you are going to act, thinking about how to act is extremely valuable. Thinking about how that interaction or that thing could have been better? Now we have time to think. We can ask ourselves the big questions, am I really happy? What makes me unhappy? What do I really want? How can I do this thing the best way? What is my ultimate vision for my life? What kind of person do I want to be?

6. Go to One of Our Online Events

And, last but not least, go to an online event! You don't need to be lonely when there are huge numbers of online events, workshops, classes popping up all over the place. Pick your favourites and go! If you are needing meaningful connection, you are in the right place! We are offering events almost every day for 'Deeper Conversation', 'Deeper Dating' and also 'Speed Friending'. Check out our events page for events that we have coming up!

Time is our most precious resource, and now you have more of it? Will you make the most of it or waste it?

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